doll and wool

This is the head and torso of a doll I'm making -at the rate I'm going it'll be the new year before she's finished.I bought this wool at the w/e and the colours are gorgeous I don't knit but I might use it for something-its a mix of cotton -wool -silk (the best!)and made in Japan and a big selection of colours


rossichka said...

The wool is really very interesting - of the kind that "makes patterns", when knitted! The doll's head promises the birth of a charming lady! Maybe you'll finish it earlier, than expected?:)

Tam Hess said...

That hair is great! Can't wait to see how she turns out. :)

Unknown said...

Love the wool. And can't wait to see your new doll love her hair it looks real soft and wild. have a lovely week, dee x

Dawn in the Forest said...

She's looking wonderful!